Boozehound Infos
The Miller-Strondhiem beer conglomerate has recently intercepted some information regarding the marketing of a new type of beer from their largest competitor. Obviously they cannot let this happen, that's were the runners come in. They are to conduct a raid against the MacDuff breweries in Seattle.

© Adam Marler
Datum 11.11.2004
Autor Silverfox
Grösse 2.60 KByte
Smoking Burger
Look, It's the Goodyear Blimp! Infos
William Smith is an underpaid, under appreciated grunt who has been slaving as an accountant for the Samasu Corp for 11 years, being promoted only once and having only one raise. He's tired of the Samasu Corp walking around him, so he's prepared a little joke on them. Using funds from the Corp's own finachial account, he's hired runners to hijack the blimp which is going to fly over a field where a visiting VP is giving a speech. The blimp will NOT be showing the normal welcome and greeting message. It will be showing "Hey, Kamisga san! Your'e a stupid little frag up!! Smith will be laughing, the runners will be paid, and Smith's boss will be held responsible for the incident. In fact, he'll be fired.

© NeoMakBeth (NeoMakBeth @
Datum 11.11.2004
Autor Silverfox
Grösse 2.46 KByte
Hotwire Infos
Ein Shadowrun im Turnierformat!

The PCs are a Newsteam that is investigating a story.

The Pcs start the adventure in a press conference at the Lone Star Pyramid in Downtown Seattle. They learn little more than they have already been told, other than the names of the gangs involved. A rival snoop challenges Lone Star on whether a new drug is the cause of the new violence between the gangs. The snoop is Charlie Chromedome, a reporter for NewsNet; a rival network. Soon after the conference they are called back to the KONG Newsroom by their producer Marty and given a few pointers from him on where to start. The most likely approach would be to try and meet one of the gangs and see what they know. The most sane of the gangs involved are the Reality Hackers; information that the Pcs can find out if they ask around...
Datum 11.11.2004
Autor Silverfox
Grösse 134.49 KByte
Born In Fire Infos
Ein Run im Turnierformat!

This time the players are a music band composed of former Runners.

The PCs start the adventure in the Toxic Shock night-club in the West End of London. They have been in London less than a day and have yet to book into a hotel. Just as they are about to finish their set an Interrogation Squad of His Lord Protector's Templars enter the night-club and, in an unashamed act of violence, try to take the PCs in for "Questioning", killing innocent clubbers during
the attempt. The runners head out the back right into the club owner; Emmy Silvereyes, who informs them that their manager has just made a very hasty exit! Emmy can tell them that he was arranging to meet with someone after 'the delivery' and that the name Blue Haze was mentioned.
Datum 11.11.2004
Autor Silverfox
Grösse 151.68 KByte