Sonstiges ⇒ Humor ⇒ Runnersprüche
Runnersprüche |
>>>>>[The first one on also has first choice of cover.]<<<<< ---Anonymous
>>>>>[It is better to live a day as a Tiger than a life time as a worm]<<<<< ---Chain Saw
>>>>>[Corps think they knows evry thing but they do not even see their own hands in front of their face.]<<<<< ---Random Walk
>>>>>[When looking over your shoulder, remember to look in front of you too.]<<<<< ---Random Walk
>>>>>[All Mr. J's cary big cash. Corps can spare a Few J's. Put 1 and 1 together and what do you get?]<<<<< ---Domique
>>>>>[Live with fire in your eyes and die with it in your heart]<<<<< ---Flower
>>>>>[In a nasty ass run there is one rule: If it moves kill it, if it dosn't move, pick it up and kill it.]<<<<< ---Half//Jack
>>>>>[ cYbER eYeS SaVe LIveS And tAKE tHeM, sO gEt ThEm. ]<<<<< ---Half//Jack
>>>>>[A decker with a holdout thinks he is a streetsam. A streetsam with a calculator thinks he is a decker. Don´t bring those guys together...]<<<<< ---Trixxer
>>>>>[If you search something in the Matrix....besure that nothing is searching you at the same moment!]<<<<< ---Tom_B
>>>>>[If it hurts you are not dead....Yet.]<<<<< ---Whisper
>>>>>[Always remember: Every time you do something it could be already to late.]<<<<< ---Snow
>>>>>[There is no Insect on this earth that can not be thrashed with one swift bootkick. It all depends on the Boot that kicks.]<<<<< ---Steadfast
>>>>>[Always be careful. If you don' it can get you killed. But even if you are: Be prepared to die!]<<<<< ---Justme
>>>>>[Wer auch immer als erster geht kann der erste sein der stirbt. Nichtsdestotrotz kann der letzte trotzdem als letzter sterben.]<<<<< ---Jacker
>>>>>[Nur weil du in den Schatten läuft heisst das noch lange nicht, dass du die kennst!!!]<<<<< ---Dingo
>>>>>[Selbst die aufsteigende Sonne kann mit Ihrem Licht nicht alle Schatten vertreiben.]<<<<< ---Wolven
>>>>>[Traue keinen Auftraggeber nur weil er nicht Mr. Johnson heisst.]<<<<< ---Winger
>>>>>[Nur die, denen du vertraust können dich verraten!!!]<<<<< ---Excite
>>>>>[Never hesitate but always think.]<<<<< ---Dodger
>>>>>[Never stop a running team!!!]<<<<< ---Anne.Hell
>>>>>[The 'Trix is often dark and dangerous. Try to bring some light there.]<<<<< ---Psycho
Regeln / Anmerkungen
Von Silverfox
am 08.11.2004
7760 visits